Thursday, February 12, 2009

DotA Heroes' limitation and Stats Growth Rate

DotA Heroes' limitation and Stats Growth Rate

Ok so you know about the 3 types of heroes, which are Strength, Intelligence & Agility.

Strength heroes can take nukes better than the rest of the class of heroes, as logically they have more HP and they will be built to be a tanker by just buying strength items.
So if a team got lots of nukers the logical way is to go strength.

There are also some specific heroes that can take down nukers like Anti-mage, Pudge. As they have a reducing spell damage skill.

Agility heroes are DPS heroes where they will be having a high attack speed, but suffer a low damage per hit. However, overall as the game progresses the damage per second increases, as Agi heroes will be bulit with high damage and agi based items which increase their AS. Thus when late game, Agi heroes will shine as they will have the necessary level and damage items to benefit from their high AS.

Intelligence heroes will shine early game as their nukes will do lot more damage than any heroes' attack as the other class of heroes will not have the necessary items to stop nukers yet. So, with a team of nukers, people will usually try to end the game as early as possible such as by 25 mins. As during this period a team of nukers are hard to stop.