Sunday, November 30, 2008

DotA Mechanics

I have spent time gathering all the info that is necessary to help you improve on your gaming. Some of these guides are created by their own creator and I don't claim their credits. I just want to bring them to one place where you can see them all. I have read through them all and some of them are what have taught me how to really own this game. There are also some guides that are written by myself, and posted on this web. Just look out for them in the Tips&Tricks, they are what I have written that's still not out on the web yet.

This will be your very own one stop to all that Info!

DotA Maths!
DotA Orb Effects!
DotA MindGames!
DotA Using Your Heroes to their Full Potential!
DotA Lane Control!
DotA Terminology!

Some other helpful knowledge:
Hero's EXP Growth Chart
Killing Streaks
Equations (for calculating the stats)