Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Warcarft 3 Avatar Arena (AA)

Avatar Arena : 3rd Age
Choose from 66 Avatars from the Taverns
and join in the battle between the Light Force and the Dark Force!
It's a 5v5 Team Game, that is almost similar to DotA!

Gamemodes: -AA, -AR, -AD, -AL, -MA, -SA, -DR, -LR, -RM.
-AA stand for All Avatar
-AR is All Random Avatar with additional Gold
-AL Only allows All Light Force Avatars
-AD Only allows All Dark Force Avatars
-SA allows players to use the same Avatars
-MA Mirror Avatar All players will be given a mirror Avatar when an Avarta is chose or Randomed
-DR All players will be given a random Dark Force Avatar along with additional Gold.
-LR All players will be given a random Light Force Avatar along with additional Gold.
-RM Random Game Mode will be chosen
-Kill X where x will be the number of hero kills that player needs to win the game. X can only be 4,5 or 6.

Player's Commands
-Swap List the names of Avatar that avaliable for swapping
-Swap (integer) request or accept an Avatar swap
-RequestAll (-ra) request to swap Avatar with all avaliable allies
-DeclineAll (-da) decline all request to swap Avatar
-Clear clear the screen of all text
-MoveSpeed (-ms) Display the current Movement Speed of your Avatar
-AvatarStats (-as) Display all Avatars that are being used
-Update (-up) Update your Avartar,Fixing most issue.
-Uncamp (-uc) Conditinally attempts to pull an enemy Avatar out of his base

Map Download
Avatar Arena v3.7j