DotA Denying Gold & Experience!
Since 6.38
Whenever a creep is denied, the enemy heroes in an 1000 AoE receive EXP based on the following:
Ursa is now a melee hero
Melee Heroes: 36 EXP divided by the number of allied heroes in the area
Ranged Heroes: 18 EXP divided by the number of allied heroes in the area
I am Stealth Assassin alone in a lane and an enemy Lion (enemy hero is irrelevant) denies a creep. I will gain 36 EXP.
Basics of Denying
You kill your own creep to deny your enemy EXP and gold, and thus giving you an advantage. For the purposes of staying on topic, I will not go into why it is an advantage to have more EXP and gold than your opponent.
You can attack your own creeps when they are below 50% HP, and towers when they are below 10% HP. Your own creeps can be killed even when on full life by using:
- Bone Fletcher's Death Pact
- Lich's Dark Ritual
- Enigma's Conversion (WARNING: The units summoned from this give EXP, but do note that they give absolutely no EXP if they are denied.)
How to do it
1. If you haven't done so already, type -cson in chat. This will let you keep track of how many creeps you have denied and brag about it later. ("omg look at mi i followed crypt's 133t guide on dp about dening and i uberdenied the shit out of that [insert enemy hero here]. I got [insert number of denies here]. yeh u guys all sukzors"). That is not recommended if your teammates are better than you.
2. During the creep wave, hold the Alt key
3. When a creep is on red HP and you think one more hit will kill it, press the attack hotkey on your keyboard (most likely a)
4. Check the creep board to see if your denies has increased by one. If it has, then go ahead and say what was quoted in step 1. If you didn't, you suck (j/k), start again from step 2.
Checking your denies
As of 6.43b, you can type -di in game. -di combines -cson (described above) and -showdeny.
-showdeny causes an exclamation mark (!) to be displayed above a denied Ghoul/Treant/Necromancer/Druid/Tower in the colour of the denying player. In addition, a message is broadcast to all players in the game when a tower is denied showing the name of the player that denied it.
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