Thursday, February 12, 2009

DotA Heroes' abilities (Active and Passive abilities)

All of the heroes abilities can be seen in the Heroes section on the top.

They are things that you will need to know when you are playing DotA. Knowing them will allow you to know what are the chances of you winning a fight or what are the heroes that you are to look out for.

Eg. like Earthshaker's Echo Slam, you have to stay away from it and don't engage him when there are alot of creeps around him. As the mechanics behind his Ultimate is that there will be more echoes when there are more creeps around, thus dealing you more damage.

There are also passive skills that you have to know that will make you unable to run or skills that will make it harder to kill someone.

Eg. Enchantess's Untouchable that will slow all attacker's attack speed, or OnmiKnight's Degen Aura that will slow down all enemies' movement speed, making them unable to run away fast enough.

Go to the Heroes Section now!