Saturday, December 6, 2008

Things that you need to know in DotA

Things that you need to know in DotA

Ok! DotA is a TEAM game. It isn't a game where players go about farming (gaining Gold& Experience) and ignoring the duty to defend the towers and the throne.
Indeed you need to farm up for level and items but you have do it when the enemies are not at your base. This actually is pretty simple to do so when you know when the enemies are not attacking. (further explained in my other guide)

It's a team effort when heroes need to be killed. Either you assist in helping or don't hinder the other team mates to spend effort protecting you when you can just die any moment. The best thing to do when you are dying is to heal. you can either go back to the fountain or use a healing potion, or just remain out of reach and heal up with your HP Regeneration item over time.

There are 3 lanes with 3 towers each. (That's the top, the middle and the bottom lanes)
You have to destroy the 3 towers in that lane to get to the throne. Which means your team can just focus on 1 single lane or 3 lanes at the same time when pushing. Towers can be regarded as a high level hero; where the 1st tower will be a level 8 hero, 2nd tower a level 12 hero. 3rd tower a level 16 hero and so on.

There are also neutral creeps camp around the map for easy money and experience point.
These are good areas to go for when you are having a hard time staying in your lane and farming up for items.

The main aim of each player will be to survive and contribute to the team's overall success.
Which means try not to die too often to the enemies as they get bonus gold and experience from you dying. This may mean nothing to a new player but it's very important actually.
Let me explain, in a 5v5 game when a hero dies it becomes 4v5. nothing much?
However, that 4 heroes will be divided in different lanes, each managing that hero that he/she is facing. Which mean the lanes will have either 0 to 4 heroes and sometimes you need more than 2 heroes to kill the other enemy's heroes. And most of the time lanes will be left empty.
This effect is seen much greater when 5v3 and the enemy is at your 3rd tower. As the 3 heroes that are left will have a hard time defending.

1v1= fair game, just to see who is stronger.
2v1 = 1 is the hero that's ganged by the 2.
3v1 = death for that 1 hero.
3v2 = it's hard to win for the 2 heroes.
4v2 = it's best for the 2 to just back off.
5v3 = the 3 will most likely die.

Just have these info in mind when playing.
Happy gaming!