Interesting Commands to use that will help you!
Interesting Commands to use that will help you!
The Holding Shift Trick
When you are planning to give a series of commands to your hero you can hold the shift button and just give all the commands in one go.
Like Sand King doing his burrowstrike and casting epicenter right after with no delay in timing. Or doing epicenter then blinking in with no delay and no wasting of epicenter waves. Just let the shift button do all the work for you! Just try it out, the shift will start creating wards on the screen where each ward is a command for that hero to follow in succession.
Gives you a new, random hero if you're in an -ar game and you want to change your hero (costs 500 gold). There is a limited time window for repicking (the maximum number of "repicks" is one).
With the Phantom Assassin (PA), it is used for refreshing her "invisibility" (due to a bug that removes this invisibility on death). Since the release of version 6.10, it no longer casts a Frost Nova animation on the PA.
Selects a random hero from your side. You can repick another random hero by typing -repick, but it costs 150g. (note the different gold costs for repicking in -allrandom games and repicking when you yourself choose to -random.)
Displays current move speed (for debugging and informational purposes). Also works with -ms.
For heroes that have the ability to undergo a metamorphosis that is not tied to the unit in the world editor map, namely Dragon Knight, Lycanthropy, Lifestealer, and Soul Keeper, where there are occasional problems with losing control of the unit. This is resolved by bringing the unit back to the 'fountain' area and typing this command. The command has a 200 second channeling time, to prevent abuses.
Transports your hero to the fountain after 50 seconds; it's used when you are stuck in a unmovable place (e.g. trapped in an area of trees). You cannot move while transporting.
Displays the enemy players' alias along with which hero they are currently controlling. Also works with -ma.
Shows you your current creep kills. The board(cson) continually shows the number, while the normal command does not.
-denyinfo / -di
This command shows the -cs board, and it also shows a ! whenever a creep or tower is denied. aka -di
Allows you to select any teammate from a menu. That teammate will be given the option to either select 'yes' or 'no' to the question if he wants to trade his hero with you. If he chooses 'yes', all items will be carried over and control over the hero switches. If he chooses 'no', nothing will happen. Either way, you cannot use the command -swaphero again. Each player may use this command once, so it is possible that one hero is swapped between multiple players. This command cannot be typed after the first wave of creep commences.
-disablehelp / -enablehelp
These two commands are designed to prevent abuses of Chen's Test of Faith. If you type -disablehelp at the beginning of the game, Chen's Test of Faith will not work on you. If you type -enablehelp later on, Chen's spell will work on you.
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